Arduino + Flash Workshop.

August 15th 2009 - Hosted by Ben Arent on behalf of the IxDA Dublin

Welcome and thanks for attending.

Thanks for turning up to the second IxDA workshop, and first weekend session. I have created this workshop to share information for free and inspire interaction designers in Dublin to think outside the web.

While the workshop isn't free, everything has been done at cost. Your €50 gets you a fully loaded Arduino kit. The kit value is a value of over €70, with thanks to SKPang for our group discount. The kit comes loaded with resistors, sensors and switches.

The workshop is hosted by CASL, and will take part on the 15th August. Please add your name to the list if you would like to attend.

Why would an “Interaction Designer” want to use a micro controller?

An Arduino is a Atmel micro controller with open source software. Before Arduino it was almost impossible to make even the simplistic of projects without having to download a massive development environment and test your own board. Arduino was created by Massimo Banzi while teaching a physical computing course to Interaction Designers at Ireva University.

To enable designers to create prototypes that actually work.

I just do “Interaction Designer” on web sites. Why should I come?

If you find yourself just designing wire frames and interaction flows for web sites. This workshop will give you a chance to expand your skill set. Teaching you how to start sketching with hardware. This will open your, and your clients world to a load of new products and services that will improve there business and the customers experience.

BakerTweet created by Pox is a box that allows bakers to tweet in two easy steps. Allowing bakers to inform there customers quickly about what is being baked without needing to sit at a computer.

Photos from the workshop.

The workshop will run for 6 hours, and I'm hoping that we should cover everything in the agenda. You will need to bring a laptop.

Workshop Agenda

Essential Downloads

Other Flash + Arduino Tutorials